
by 株式会社シーディーアイ



Kear Pea Note is the latest communication tool that makes it easy to contact a helper and a business office during home care.◆ Main features・ It is an application that can send the necessary information to the helper and input the visit record simply.・ You can check the latest schedule at any time with your smartphone.・ You can manage your visit schedule and helpers personal schedule on the same calendar.・ Easy input of troublesome sentences using voice recognition.・ It is a communication tool that was created to monitor and support the helpers visiting activities.* A separate application is required to use Kea Peer Note at a visiting care facility.・ The helpers smartphone can be notified of the visit schedule confirmation and communication from the office.・ The visit nursing care office can monitor the helpers visit status in real time.・ It is an indispensable item that can reduce paper and telephone exchanges and reduce the burden on administrators.